Thursday 23 September 2010

hello rain (or in russian: здравствуйте.. rain)

I started to feel that carrying my umbrella around in my handbag every day was becoming a bit silly. Out it came.

We squelched into work yesterday (an office full of immaculate people) Philip with his hair all plastered flatly onto his forehead and me with my sodden Kurt Geiger heels and swamped in Philip's enormous bright blue windproof jacket which came down to my knees. We looked ridiculous.

The weather had better bloody well improve this weekend though because I have visions of bright, crisp afternoons surrounded by scenes of autumnal beauty. Autumnal beauty dammit. Not cold wet misery. That, and there's a HONEY FESTIVAL on! And it finishes at the end of September! How did I not find out about this sooner? I'm so excited!

In other news, my Russian is improving so slowly that I am forced to conclude that I am some sort of idiot. I am literally mastering one word every three days. I now know 'I would like', which is 'можно' (pronounced 'mojna') so today at Starbucks I actually said 'Mojnaaa.. a small earl grey tea, please.' RUBBISH. I know 'tea', and 'please'! But apparently I can only say one Russian word per sentence! Don't desert me now, language skills. It's not a good time.

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